2012 – The GISDoctor.com Year of Spatial Analysis

With GISDoctor.com entering its second year in a blog format I have some plans for the site that will hopefully keep readers interested and bring in new readers.  Here is what I am planning for 2012!

  • Spatial Analysis – As a geographer by training, and professional geographer by occupation, I do a lot of spatial analysis and spatial statistics.  I will be developing a series of spatial analysis and spatial statistics posts over the year.  I will start with the basics and move into more complicated subjects.  Like the Intro to Spatial SQL guides, I will include test data and examples.  The tutorials will be targeted towards the geographer and GIS user, as that is my area of expertise.  I really want to focus this site towards the technical GIS professional and technical geographer during 2012.  Too many GIS blogs review the news (including this blog).  I want GISDoctor.com to become a technical resource for people who have questions like I do.
  • Spatial SQL – During January and February I will be adding some more posts on Spatial SQL and its use in geographical analysis.  I will be adding another series of more technical Spatial SQL how-to guides later in the year.
  • Online Mapping – I will hopefully add a few how-to guides on developing map-mash ups using a variety of APIs.  I’m interested in learning more about Bing Maps as well as Open Layers and Map Server.  I hope to get a few examples out sometime this spring.
  • Software Reviews – In 2012 ArcGIS 10.1 will be released (Hooray! or shucks. It depends on your point of view).  I’ll post a detailed review a few weeks after I get to use the software intensely.  Also, when I get SQL Server 2012 (Denali) I’ll review the improved spatial components.
  • Conference Reviews – I’ll make sure to review the 2012 Esri UC and any other conferences I make it to.
  • Finally, when applicable to the readers of this site, I’ll post news stories and items that I find interesting.

I’m sure there will be a number of other topics that I write about.  So make sure you subscribe to the feed to get the latest updates.

Thanks for being a reader.  The site has done a lot better than I could have imagined and I hope 2012 goes just as well.

Happy GIS New Years!