Geo Blogs

I read a ton of geo blogs. They are great for killing time and for learning about “what’s next.” This list is by no means exhaustive and will expand as I come across new geo-based blogs. If you know of a blog that I don’t have listed leave a link in the comments section.

Also, I created an OPML file for readers – GIS Doctor blog roll OPML file  – current to 8/4/2013

Blog Description
Very Spatial Created by former WVU grad students, VerySpatial is a great source of GIS information and podcasts, and my buddy Jeff Dunn is now a contributor!
All Points Blog From Directions Magazine, the All Points Blog is one of the best sources of everything GIS, from education to technology. A great resource on the pulse of GIS.
James Fee GIS Blog James Fee’s blog on GIS is one of the most read and most informative blogs in all of GIS
Po Ve Sham A great blog on the usability of geospatial technologies, GIScience & environmental information. A lot of great information about Open Street Map
Bostonography A great blog describing the geography of Boston! A lot of great analysis and visualization.
The Offical Blog of Fortius One – Now GeoIQ Blog FortiusOne (now a part of Esri) is a geospatial technology company who are doing some really innovative work in regards to data visualization, online geospatial analysis, and data sharing. Their blog highlights some of their recent developments and projects they are working on. I’m a fan.
Mapperz, The Mapping News Blog A great blog with a lot of information about Google Maps and some interesting mash-ups
SlashGeo A GeoNews blog with tons of news about the Geo industries
Stamen Design Stamen is doing some awesome stuff regarding the visualization of geographic data on the web. Check them out.
FloatingSheep FloatingSheep, a collaborative research endeavor between researchers at the University of Kentucky and Oxford has generated a lot of buzz with their creative and interesting geospatial data mining from Google Maps.
Outside the Neatline From my former coworkers at the Map and Geographic Information Center at the University of Connecticut, Outside the Neatline focuses on a number of different geo topics from geoeducation to geotechnologies.
Google Lat Long Blog Updates and news from the Google Maps Team. A good read for those who develop Google Maps.
Geographika A good technical GIS blog with posts on a variety of topics from OpenLayers, Spatial SQL, and hardware configurations.
Geospatial Analysts Have questions about GIS tools, or are you looking for some scripts for that hard to solve GIS task? The Geospatial Analyst may have the answer for you.
GIS and Science Written by Matt Artz of Esri, this blog shares a number of academic journal abstracts from a variety of fields that are incorporating GIS into their research. A widely read geospatial blog written by Ed Parsons, Google’s Geospatial Technologist. The blog’s tagline – programming geography – sums it up pretty well.
Guerrilla GIS Great blog with many technical programming tips and tricks.  Site is down as of 1/20/2013, but I’ll keep the link up just in case it comes back online.
Spatial Law and Policy Not a topic I think about regularly, but many good posts regarding topics that relate to many issues facing the common GIS professional.
MapButcher The blog hasn’t been updated in a while, but it has an awesome name.
Borderlines Written by Frank Jacobs and published in the New York Times, this weekly blog discusses the complexities to the geographies that define us. Check some of his other work
Node Dangles A good technical GIS blog with plenty of code examples.
Kate Chapman – Maploser? Need to know about OSM, then read this blog. Now. Site is down as of 1/20/2013, but I’ll keep the link up just in case it comes back online.
MapBrief Geospatial analysis and the business of geospatial
GIS Studio Another good technical GIS blog with plenty of code examples.
MapBox’s Blog MapBox’s blog. Home to TileMill, the hot new OSM and web mapping visualization application, the MapBox blog discusses a number of applications of their software. A good read if you are using their software.
GeoMusings A well rounded geo-blog covering a range of topics from open-source, software reviews, and traditional GIS.
Volunteered Geographic Information A good technical research geography and spatial analysis blog.
The Pragmatic Geographer GIS blog with software reviews, technical articles, and spatial analysis.
A Cartographer’s Toolkit Gretchen Peterson’s cartography blog. A lot of great information.
Perrygeo A good geospatial blog covering topics from programming, GIS, and open source tools.
Another GIS Blog More on the technical programming side of geospatial, with a number of python, ArcGIS, and programming tips.
Cafe Python From the Esri python folks, this blog has a growing number of code example. Really good if you are an Esri/python user.
Fuzzy Tolerance Besides having an awesome name, Fuzzy Tolerance covers a variety of spatial and open-geo topics.
Planet PostGIS Looking for stories about PostGIS? Check here first.
Gary’s Bloggage Variety of geo-topics, from mapping to web geography.
Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings From Anita Graser, geo pro, member of the QGIS Team, and OSGeo Charter member.
GIS Dude’s Weblog Great name for a geo-blog.
Mappatondo Code examples, spatial techniques, and mash-ups.
Spatial DBA Advisor Number of great SQL Spatial posts, also Oracle, PostGIS, and Manifold articles on the main page.
Kelso’s Corner From Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso (@kelsosCorner), professional geo-vis wiz.
Digitial Geography From the website -“Welcome to the bilingual blog Here you will find articles and tutorials about GIS, statistics, webmapping. local stuff and much more out of the “geosphere”.’s is powered by geostudents and alumni spread around Europe.”
AnyGeo Blog GISuser blog from @gletham. Blog includes a variety of geo-topics from software news, mapping, and geo-tech. Geospatial technology, software development and Denver area geo-news.
GIS Thought From the website – “Blog about geospatial information system (GIS).” A forum for the ideas surrounding GIS. From Dave Bouwman, a Javascript developer with EsriDC team. A good technical blog with lots of examples and thoughtful insight.
Thunderhead Explorer If you have never seen Mansour Raad speak at a conference you are missing out. This blog has lots of great stuff regarding big data, software development and their integration in GIS.
Smathermather’s Weblog From the site – “Remote Sensing, GIS, ecology, and oddball techniques.
Wherewithal Mapping, technology and opinion pieces.
The Spatial Blog A wide variety of GIS posts, with plenty of open source info. Also, how can one go wrong with a twitter handle of @dragons8mycat?
BostonGIS Blog PostGIS focused with news on PostGIS updates, geo-meetups, and open source.
Constant Geography From Michael Busby a GIS professional and geo-educator.
SDE Intercept A blog about SDE! Most of us won’t admit that we use SDE, and we are always looking for online help. Here is where you need to go.
GeoSprocket All things geo with a focus on the technical side of things. From Bill Morris, this blog covers it all. A great read if you want to know what’s happening in our world.
Into the Pudding Check out the open letter to Esri. It’s pretty good.

22 Replies to “Geo Blogs”

  1. Great list of blogs! In my MBA program, my IT group and I have started our own GIS blog. We’re very interested in the topic and field… So many business applications can be found with GIS. Check us out, I’d love to know what you think!


  2. I am trying to figure out how to create a layer that maps the shortest ROAD/HIGHWAY distance between two sets of point data here in Ohio. I think it is Network Analyst but not sure if I will have to purchase an add-on. Any thoughts?

  3. Hello
    Since I am new to GIS and I haven’t touched a coding language any time sooner, so, I’m hoping you can help me out with this question:
    Q. How KML can be integrated with a typical database management system so that the results of executing a SQL query can be displayed using KML instead of the usual tabular format?

    Thanking you in anticipation.


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